July 16, 2024 in blog

A Communography of the Baganda Muslims During Colonialism

'I am grateful to the BIEA for funding this trip and for giving me the opportunity to discuss the findings of my doctoral research with the communities that made this…
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June 12, 2024 in blog

Conducting Archival Research in Kenya: Reflections of an Early Career Researcher

' this initiative should not be seen as undervaluing the largely labour-intensive archival work done by the archivists in retrieving, preserving, conserving, and restoring archival and library materials'
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February 16, 2024 in blog

People with Disabilities (PWDs) involvement in Urban Making: the case of Kajiado land validation process

'Underlying this ableism and disablism approach, which I view as discriminatory, is an extension of the medical model of disability'
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January 30, 2024 in blog

The Digitalising County: An early review of Kajiado’s LIMS

'It is this increased value and interest in data that has led to the rapid development of a data economy.'
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January 19, 2023 in blog

UTA-Do: The romances and intimacies of a revolution

“revolution, because of its creative and liberatory nature, is an act of love.” (Freire, 1970 as by K’eguro Macharia, Love, 2015 p. 68 )
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