• BIEA Student Attaché Blogs
    ‘It seems to me that anthropology, being a study of human cultures and society, is a study that thrives on ‘otherness’ and ‘difference’. We, as aspiring or current African anthropologists, must keep struggling with how the field creates and perpetuates differences that are destructive to all ‘Others’, Aaliyah O. Ibrahim ‘The goal of anthropology is to provide a holistic understanding of what it means to be human’, Sharon A. Otieno ‘This phrase, ‘uta-do?’ – meaning ‘what are you going to do about it? – carries the playfulness, the daring, the revolutionary aspect (of Nairobi). While the phrase ‘uta-do?’ means these things, and many more, on the streets of Nairobi, it also served as a fancy academic acronym: Urban Thinking Africa- Doing (beautiful, right?)’, Mwangi Mwaura ‘The phrase ‘data is the new oil’ is premised on the importance of data in today’s digital world (Clive Humby, 2006). It is this increased value and interest in data that has led to the rapid development of a data economy, in Kenya, underpinned by different data protection infrastructures’, Wala Mohammed ‘It did occur to these officials that this was an ableist discriminatory language embedded with so many risks, such as misrepresentation leading to land losses. Representation is not the panacea to the problem of excluding PWDs in the project implementation designs’, Peter Muraya ‘While these observations may point to the need for increased public awareness about KNA&DS, they also suggest that KNA&DS’s location has over time been integrated into the Nairobi CBD’s tapestry, and as a result in addition to its official roles, it serves different urban functions’, Diana Nduku